Thursday, March 28, 2013

Movie poster

Tutorial link :

This is the my movie poster, i really liked this project but i felt that the tutorial was a little vague at times when it came to making the moon and the clouds. Another problem I encountered while working on this project was giving the whole image a glowing hue.. I do not know what it was about it i just could not do it like it was presented to me. But i will defiantly take the steps on how I took a mountainous picture and put it a separate picture with other projects and doodles that i decide on doing at mi casa.  

Source image:
 source image 2:
 source image 3:
source image 4:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fallen skateboards

this was probably my favorite project so far because i actually knew what i wanted to do and didn't waste time just messing with stuff. My product was skateboards obviously and i wanted to reach out to more of the  city skaters, knowing that i put a picture of a city over view (city) and a really cool trick. And so since skateboarding is an outdoor activity i wanted to put the perfect skate weather to try to bring the feel of excitement and relaxation while still trying to get you to buy a Fallen board.
Source Image: 1
Source Image: 2

Friday, March 8, 2013