Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This is my inner you project.
my inner self is a skater, i had a difficult time chosing just one thing to do
like reacently i've started playing guitar and im progressing really really fast for a new comer.
I finialy learned where the black and white tool/option was at, i used this for a good protion of this project,when i found a picture of chris cole doing a kiclfip i used the magic wand tool and then i drug him to the main layer, then made him pitch black and changed his opacity to 37% then is the same thing with yself but i didnt change the opasity.
then i added Street Skater at Heart with the text tool/

Thursday, January 24, 2013

This project was actually really easy, i enjoyed it. Overall this project was really easy to follow, i didnt really get lost or start raging out on my computer and yell hatefull words towords it.

Friday, January 18, 2013

this is the Asylum we used a few new concepts in this project, i messed up in the very begining on the guys face so it is just to dark. i would have given him a tent of the blue like it said so in the tutorial but it would look not right like he had an outline of blue on him ( still could not see face) Another problem I had when doing this project was using the text box. It was hard because once you hit enter you couldnt make any changes to the text /font/color inside the box.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This Montage was super hard!!! untill i read ahead in the lesson and then i understoof it really well. I could positively say that i could make a montage with a few pictures of my own without geting stuck and not knowing how to do a part. The only real problem i had was in the begining iwas trying to start on a background instead of the actual pictue it told me to start on.And that was the main problem after that it was smooth sailing the rest of the project.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

i chose to do this picture of the Alaskan Husky because they are my favorite dogs and they look like a wolf. i did not enjoy this project until the very end because i was doing the mask for the Husky and it would not get the his whiskers on his nose. Then I figured it out then i changed the hue of the background to more of a brighter green so the white of the dog would really stand out and pop.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

this is my creation!!! I really enjoyed using photo shop, i think it is easier then using adobe illustrator. I really enjoyed using the lasso tool and the magic wand to take certain parts of a picture without needing to go though a lot of steps. the hardest part of the project was also the funnest and it was making the bow tie for the fancy vegetable.